Sunday, March 30, 2008
Embrace Life

Answering your questions...
“How did you get the candy to match the paper so perfectly in your criss-cross box?”
I actually take the box with the cello bag in it to the store with me and then look around for items that will fit in it. I had originally planned to fill it with blue and orange jolly ranchers, but when I saw the taffy, it was the perfect color. I have been doing this for a long time. The gals at the grocery store are used to me and always ask what project I am working on now. If you are a demo, this is free advertisement for you! I am not a demo, but have gotten many sales doing this. Over a year ago, when I was first making altered jars, a gal followed me out of a store. It just happened that she owned a gift shop and asked if I would make some jars for her store. So you never know where your next customer might be.
“When are you going to post your items for sale on-line?”
Well, I’m not now and will explain that in a minute, but first, if you see anything I make that I post and would like to purchase it, just e-mail me. Most of what I post can be for sale. Now, as to why I’ve decided not to start an on-line store at this time…First of all, to do so, means to make several items that I like, but that may not sell and then I have LOTS of “gifts” to give. Ü I was ok with this, but then God opened another door of opportunity for me. I had a couple of gals from one town ask me if I would be willing to teach papercraft/stamp classes. They have stamps, accessories, etc and wanted me to give them more ideas of how to use them. I told them I would think about it and didn’t really know where to go with it. I decided I would just put out a sign up sheet at my crop and see if there was any REAL interest. Then last week out of the blue, another gal e-mailed and one called me from a different town and asked if I would do the same thing. So now I am thinking maybe there is some interest and I should really look into this. One of the gals from the second town asked if she could put a sign up sheet at a crop she was doing and I said ok. I didn’t hear from her at the first of the week, so just figured there was no interest. Then I talk to her Friday and find out TWELVE ladies signed up!!!! I was shocked! So we set a date for that town and after my crop this weekend will see if there is interest for the other town and go from there. At this time, I feel this will keep me busy and give me something that I can do to help bring in a little income (gas money if nothing else!)
“How do you make the tic tac purse you showed in your one sheet wonder?”
I did a little tutorial for it here.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Congratulations Benjamin!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008
6 x 6 scrapbooking
At the end of 1999, I decided it would be fun to make each of the boys a scrapbook of the millennium, so I wrote out the alphabet and kept track of pictures I took matching them to the appropriate letter. They STILL to this day go thru the albums I made them AND keep asking me when I am going to make them another. That size was 5 x 7, this time I decided to make them a 6 x 6 and make it more a monthly/random theme of the year. Here is one I made for Aaron's Feb page.

I am going to do a double page spread of each month. The pictures may or may not have been taken that month, just depending on what I come up with. They are going to be simple, yet hopefully fun for the boys when I give the ablums to them at Christmas.
Okay, gotta go get ready for the track meet! Run, Benjamin, Run!! Ü
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I am sooo tired!
I am also sooo busy getting ready for my crop. I am only going to have time to get ready for and teach one class. That's ok, cuz I think the gals just enjoy getting together and working on their own albums. I will try to teach more classes in the fall.
I don't want to spoil it for locals who may read my blog, so I will show you after the crop what I've been working on. Now is the time for all the little finishing details that need to be done. With the super busy week we've had and have coming, I HAVE to be done by Saturday nite!!!!
I am hoping to stop in again before the crop, but if not, here is my crazy schedule...tomorrow-track meet, Saturday-get everything ready for crop!!, Sunday-church and rodeo cowboy thing at nite, Monday-MIL's surgery, Tuesday-track meet, Wed-library and youth group, Thursday-set up for crop, Fri-crop AND Bow Invite for track (so I will be there for the second half of the day) and Saturday-crop...Sunday-get together at mom's for Mar/April bd and anniversaries...come home and DROP!!!!! LOL!!
So, since I've been so busy with crop stuff, here is a card I gave my g'ma last year for her bd.
a few items from before on a CD. If you are interested in purchasing one-send me an e-mail. Cost is $5 including postage.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Easter Egg Box

Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Answers to your questions....
1. there is a tutorial in older posts for the mini tic tac purse here
2. the Hershey nuggets were made by cutting the bunny head from a Cricut cartridge and drew the face on myself. Then I wrapped the nugget with patterned paper and added a pom pom for the tail
3. Do I sell any of my projects. YES! Ü Most of my projects are for sale or I give to friends and family. If you see anything that you would like to buy that I post, just e-mail me. I am working with DH to figure out a way to make a little money as things are pretty tight this year and going to be that way for the next couple of years. I am trying to decide if I should just set up another blog for items for sale or just post them here. I've already come up with a name and by-line. Ü
But for now if you like what you see, just drop me a line.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
OSW Challenge

Easter Blocks

Frog card #2
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Pinch Proof

Lucky Me....
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Check this out!!!!
This is the coolest, most beautiful, amazing piece of papercraft I have seen! JanTink is an amazing stamper and I love her blog and her work.
Spring Break

1. home
2. bored
3. baking Ü
We've already eaten Scotcheroo's and last nite he made lemon cookies.
Here is the recipe:
Lemon Cookies
1 c. shortening
1 1/2 c. sugar
3 eggs, beaten
2 T. water
2 tsp lemon extract
1. tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3 3/4 c. flour
1 scant cup sour cream
Lemon Frosting:
2 c. powdered sugar
4 tsp soft margarine
1 tsp lemon extract
Cream the shortening and sugar. Add the eggs, water, and lemon extract. Sift the baking soda and salt with the flour and add alternately with the sour cream. Drop onto cookie sheet and bake at 350* until light brown (10-12 minutes). Frost when cool.
For the frosting, mix together ingredients until smooth. Add some cream if not thin enough to spread.
Lucky Me!
Friday, March 7, 2008
"Snarky" frog

M & M Froggy Box


Saturday, March 1, 2008
Scrap Pile challenge 7-9
Thanks for hanging in there with me!

St. Patrick's Inspiration Station

In the green and white soup mug are green M&M's-all green. I got them at Wal-Mart for $1.50 when they had their Valentine stuff out. The bag said "Green, the new color of Love" Ü I bought two bags and now wish I would have gotten more. I got them with St. Patrick's Day in mind. (The boys love coming in my room when I am creating and love getting into the candy dish. They thought is was fun when I did the Valentine Inspiration Station, so I am going to do it all year.) The mug is showing from the back. Here is what it looks like from the front.
To Sew or Not to Sew