for sale!! I had someone ask me if I sell any of the projects I post. I guess if they weren't for anyone in particular and I still have them, just e-mail me and I will make a deal with you. So here is an item that IS for sale. This fun paperbag album is ready for you to add pictures to. I have considered trying to sell items like this on E-bay, but that just seems like too much work. So I am going to try it somewhat like E-bay. The beginning bid is $19.95. Since I will be gone all weekend, you can all post bids here until Monday, 12:00 noon CST. The last bid by that time will be the winning bid. I will then contact you for your mailing address and give you mine for you to send payment to. I will only accept money orders (unless you live here and I know you Ü). Shipping will be $4.60. I will mail it priority in a protected bag. So without further ado, here is the album...
Every page has sewing on it and is distressed with dark brown ink. The papers used are high quality acid free papers ready for you to add your favorite pictures to. On the tag on the front you can add a picture, monogram or saying. If you would like a monogram added with coordinating paper, I will do this for you for no extra cost. (you can click on each picture for a larger view)
page 1 has a pull out tag that you can add more pictures to or journaling.

Absolutly spectacular !!!