Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sold Out!

Jackie (Inky Antics) e-mailed me to let me know that a class they are teaching using the cards I submitted for CHA is sold out! Even though I'm not the one teaching it, I am honored that 30 people like the cards I designed to make the class a sold out one! You can see the link here.

I am recovering from prom and will post more pictures when I can, but right now here is one that isn't the best that I took at the Grand March. This is Benjamin and his friend Sarah.


  1. congrats Debbie!! WHOOT for you!!

    Cute couple of kids!!

  2. Wow, what a pretty photo Debbie. Gosh, the prom must have worn you out. Chaperoning a bunch of teenagers is hard work but it's nice to see all the kids having such a fun time!!


  3. Congrats to you girl! Your cards are amazing! Afterall, I got to see them in person.

    Benjamin and Sarah look beautiful! You know, green is my favorite color.
