Sunday, December 6, 2009

so very sick

Bruce bought us tickets to see Nebraska Huskers play this weekend. If they won on Friday nite, the tickets were good for Saturday's game as well.

We made it to Lincoln for Friday's nite game and as soon as we got to the motel I got sick...VERY sick! (unfortunately we had to come home Saturday as I was too sick. I kept thinking I would get better...not)

So much for the flu shot! I've never had 24-hour flu and never been this weak. This was my first year getting the shot and I'm not convinced this is something I need to do again! Won't go into detail, but wanted to "blog" for medical reasons if my Omaha dr ever says I need this shot again.

On the "up" side, we won both games! GO HUSKERS!!!


  1. Sorry you missed your Friday night of fun and that your so sick.
    Hope you feel better soon!

  2. oh ugh.....I'm sorry! Hope you are feeling better!!!

  3. Oh Debbie, I am sorry to hear that you got sick. I don't get the flu shot for this very reason. I hope you are feeling better soon. Now, I am off to catch up on your posts.
