I hope all you mothers had a wonderful day yesterday. This weekend was a good one for me.
Saturday, Benjamin and I went to graduation and then to receptions of his friends and those we were invited to as a family. It was nice that several went together and we could hit several at one stop. When I graduated everyone had them at your home and you did lots of traveling.
For mother's day we went out to eat for Chinese. This is a treat as it is expensive and we rarely eat out. Aaron bought me a massage thingy that vibrates and gave me a back rub last nite. Benjamin bought me a box of chocolate turtles and a bag of trail mix-YUMMY!!!
Here is the card that I made for my mom.
I forgot to scan the one I made my MIL, but will post later the album I made her of the boys.

Ah, your bee is so sweet, love the colors of the background papers. Adorable, sounds like you men pampered you real good!