Under a Cloudless Sky by Chris Fabry is a story that sucks you in from the very beginning and you don't want to put it down until the last page. This author is amazing in his writings that keep you captivated to the end and ends in a way that you didn't see coming. Those are the stories I love...when there is no way I could have guessed the ending.
This story combines happenings in two years...1933 and 2004 and intertwines them together until the end. In 1933, it begins to tell about two girls Ruby and Bean who live in a mining town. In 2004 Hollis Beasley is standing up to Coleman Coal and Energy who have been trying to buy his land on the mountain to mine coal.
I can't tell too much of the story without giving it away, but I highly recommend reading this story. I enjoyed it so much that I looked for more stories from Mr. Fabry and saw that I had read another of his books June Bug that I had enjoyed very much. I am definitely going to be searching the library for more of his books.
Goodreads title and author pages
Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of this book
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