Hello and welcome back to another Cutting Cafe challenge. This week was a free week for the design team. We could chose any file we wanted to work with. For my project, I chose Blessed Word Shaped Card File to make this wall hanging.

Be sure to visit the Cutting Cafe Blog tomorrow to see the design team's projects in which you can leave a comment to be entered into a drawing to win 3 FREE sets of your choice from the online store.
I used one of these wall hangings from the Dollar Tree, removed the raised decor item and covered it with designer paper from my stash using mod podge. I cut the word from the file and and mod podged it on as well, then decorated with ribbon and buttons.
Regina has many word files to choose from and it was hard to decide which word to go with. :)

Be sure to visit the Cutting Cafe Blog tomorrow to see the design team's projects in which you can leave a comment to be entered into a drawing to win 3 FREE sets of your choice from the online store.